Friday Afternoon sessions

Workshop Facilitators

Delysia Timm and Shubnam Rambharos

Date : 04/06/2010 Time : 12:00-14:00/14.00-16.00 Venue : First Floor, Mariam Bee, MLS Campus

Activity one ...


1. “practitioner-researcher group” : Jack invites all SeStuTHE members to join the practitioner-researcher group. All you need to do is open the url, and then put in your name and e-mail address and press join practitioner-researcher.

2. Examples of self study PhD theses: Kathleen Pithouse-Morgan, Susie Miles, Mairin Glenn, Joan Walton, Liz Harrison, Tai Peseta, Snoeks Desmond.

3. We will have our own inhouse DUT seminar on 29-30 July. If you have not submitted an abstract for NMMU, please do so for the DUT seminar. We have space for a few more ... and we have funding from the research office ... thank you Professor Moyo

4. Making Connections : self study for social action will be available for R310.00 in about 2 weeks. We have ordered 15 copies and 8 are already spoken for. Please give names to Sibongile Madi to book a copy. The books are here!

5. Joan sends her love and greetings from Canada

Activity two .... Our point of departure ...

“We work on the assumption that people already know much of what they need to know,

but that they often are unaware that they know what they know,

and that they become aware of what they know

and how to use what they know

by reflecting critically on their practice

and from interacting with others …”

Joan Conolly, 2009

We aim “to make knowledge useful” ... in keeping with the DUT slogan ...

Activity three ....

Thoughts for the day . . .

Our grand business is

not to see what lies dimly at a distance,

but to do what lies clearly at hand.

Thomas Carlyle

Selecting a challenge

and meeting it

creates a sense of self-empowerment

that becomes the ground for further

successful challenges

Julia Cameron

Activity four ... NMMU presentations

Unpacking the abstract ...

1. Remember that you have ONLY 15 minutes to speak.

2. Examine what you have written, and identify the promises that you have made!!!!

3. Identify the subtheme.

4. Identify the significant words that relate to what you want to share ...

5. List each point, and work with them one at a time. What do you want to share about each? What evidence do you have? What form does the evidence take? A quote? A video clip? An audio clip? A photo graph? An illustration? A poem? Other ???? How are you going to use it?

6. You do want your audience to remember what you say, so LESS is MORE!!! Select what is really significant and emphasise THAT!

7. Order the presentation so that it says what you want it to say ...

Activity seven ...Using Brown 7 questions, respond to each of the following in 50 words...

1. What did I do?

2. Why did I do it?

3. What happened?

4. What does this tell me about my practice?

5. What does this tell me about my theory?

6. What is the key benefit to the readers/viewers?

7. What remains unresolved?

Evaluation ...

“Memory is the Whole of Man

And the Whole of Man is Memory.”

Jousse, 2001

Workshop Facilitators

Delysia Timm and Shubnam Rambharos

Date : 28/05/2010 Time : 12:00-14:00/14.00-16.00 Venue : First Floor, Mariam Bee, MLS Campus

Activity one ...


1. “practitioner-researcher group” : Jack invites all SeStuTHE members to join the practitioner-researcher group. All you need to do is open the url, and then put in your name and e-mail address and press join practitioner-researcher.

2. Examples of self study PhD theses: Kathleen Pithouse-Morgan, Susie Miles, Mairin Glenn, Joan Walton, Liz Harrison, Tai Peseta, Snoeks Desmond.

3. We will have our own inhouse DUT seminar on 29-30 July. If you have not submitted an abstract for NMMU, please do so for the DUT seminar. We have space for a few more ... and we have funding from the research office ... thank you Professor Moyo

4. Making Connections : self study for social action will be available for R310.00 in about 2 weeks. We have ordered 15 copies and 8 are already spoken for. Please give names to Sibongile Madi to book a copy. The books are here!

5. Plans for when I am away in Canada ... 23 May to 8 June, and when DUT is closed until 12 July?

Activity two .... Our point of departure ...

“We work on the assumption that people already know much of what they need to know,

but that they often are unaware that they know what they know,

and that they become aware of what they know

and how to use what they know

by reflecting critically on their practice

and from interacting with others …”

Joan Conolly, 2009

We aim “to make knowledge useful” ... in keeping with the DUT slogan ...

Activity three ....

Thoughts for the day . . .

View TED talks:

Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution! - Ken Robinson (2010)

What is he telling us?

How does he make this attractive?

What can we learn from him?

Activity four .... DUT staff members - complete the DUT 83

1. complete the form

2. get the required signatures

3. complete a requisition – get details from MaBongi

4. hand both to MaBongi by 1 June.

Activity five ... DUT students ... only Naretha and Celeste

1. Apply to PGDS, and follow procedures

Activity six ... NMMU presentations

Unpacking the abstract ...

1. Remember that you have ONLY 15 minutes to speak.

2. Examine what you have written, and identify the promises that you have made!!!!

3. Identify the subtheme.

4. Identify the significant words that relate to what you want to share ...

5. List each point, and work with them one at a time. What do you want to share about each? What evidence do you have? What form does the evidence take? A quote? A video clip? An audio clip? A photo graph? An illustration? A poem? Other ???? How are you going to use it?

6. You do want your audience to remember what you say, so LESS is MORE!!! Select what is really significant and emphasise THAT!

7. Order the presentation so that it says what you want it to say ...

Activity seven ...Using Brown 7 questions, respond to each of the following in 50 words...

1. What did I do?

2. Why did I do it?

3. What happened?

4. What does this tell me about my practice?

5. What does this tell me about my theory?

6. What is the key benefit to the readers/viewers?

7. What remains unresolved?

Evaluation ...

“Memory is the Whole of Man

And the Whole of Man is Memory.”

Jousse, 2001

Date : 07/05/2010 Time : 12:00-14:00/14.00-16.00 Venue : First Floor, Mariam Bee, MLS Campus

Activity one ...
1. “practitioner-researcher group” : Jack invites all SeStuTHE members to join the practitioner-researcher group. All you need to do is open the url, and then put in your name and e-mail address and press join practitioner-researcher.
2. Looking at your research in public space again ... ? What is happening on your blog? Please look at what is happening on the sestuthe.blogspot and the joanconolly.blogspot
3. Examples of self study PhD theses: Kathleen Pithouse-Morgan, Susie Miles, Mairin Glenn, Joan Walton, Liz Harrison, Tai Peseta, Snoeks Desmond.
4. We have submitted 15 Abstracts to NMMU and Professor Jack Whitehead is putting them on the listserve! Well done everyone!
5. Professor Otieno has offered to finance all costs to NMMU in August for all who have submitted their abstracts.
6. We will have our own inhouse DUT seminar on 29-30 July. If you have not submitted an abstract for NMMU, please do so for the DUT seminar. We have space for a few more ...
7. Making Connections : self study for social action will be available for R310.00 in about 4 weeks. We have ordered 15 copies and 8 are already spoken for. Please give names to Sibongile Madi to book a copy.
8. Next week we will be visited by Dr Snoeks Desmond, the first DUT self study doctorate. Please read her ‘Chapter eight’ which will be attached to the new week’s email, in preparation for this workshop.
9. Plans for when I am away in Canada ... 23 May to 8 June?

Activity two ....
Our point of departure ...

“We work on the assumption that people already know much of what they need to know,
but that they often are unaware that they know what they know,
and that they become aware of what they know
and how to use what they know
by reflecting critically on their practice
and from interacting with others …”
Joan Conolly, 2009

We aim “to make knowledge useful” ... in keeping with the DUT slogan ...

Activity three ....
Thoughts for the day . . .
"We need people in our lives with whom we can be as open as possible.
To have real conversation with people may seem like such a simple, obvious suggestion,
but it involves courage and risk."
Thomas Moore

"Life is either a daring adventure
or nothing.
Security is mostly a superstition.
It does not exist in nature"
Helen Keller

"When we carry other people's burdens
we stop them from growing and taking mastery of their own life.
We hold back their evolution and that of the planet.
If you take responsibility for someone else's feelings
you dishonour them."
Diana Cooper

Activity four .... reflections on the Presentation of Making Connections to DUT
1. Were you there?
2. What was good?
3. What can be improved?

Activity five ... NMMU presentations
Unpacking the abstract ...
1. Remember that you have ONLY 15 minutes to speak.
2. Examine what you have written, and identify the promises that you have made!!!
3. Identify the subtheme.
4. Identify the significant words that relate to what you want to share ...
5. List each point, and work with them one at a time. What do you want to share about each? What evidence do you have? What form does the evidence take? A quote? A video clip? An audio clip? A photo graph? An illustration? A poem? Other ???? How are you going to use it?
6. You do want your audience to remember what you say, so LESS is MORE!!! Select what is really significant and emphasise THAT!
7. Order the presentation so that it says what you want it to say ...

Activity six ...Using Brown 7 questions, respond to each of the following in 50 words...
1. What did I do?
2. Why did I do it?
3. What happened?
4. What does this tell me about my practice?
5. What does this tell me about my theory?
6. What is the key benefit to the readers/viewers?
7. What remains unresolved?

Evaluation ...
“Memory is the Whole of Man
And the Whole of Man is Memory.”
Jousse, 2001



Self Study for Transformative Higher Education in the Extended Curriculum Programme at DUT

Workshop 2010

Project Facilitators: Joan Conolly, Delysia Timm, Nalini Chitanand, Shubnam Rambharos

Workshop Facilitators

Joan Conolly, Delysia Timm and Shubnam Rambharos

Date : 12/03/2010 Time : 12:00-14:00/14.00-16.00 Venue : First Floor, Mariam Bee, MLS Campus

“We work on the assumption that people already know much of what they need to know,

but that they often are unaware that they know what they know,

and that they become aware of what they know

and how to use what they know

by reflecting critically on their practice

and from interacting with others …”

Joan Conolly, 2009

We aim “to make knowledge useful” ... in keeping with the DUT slogan ...


1. “practitioner-researcher group” : Jack invites all SeStuTHE members to join the practitioner-researcher group. All you need to do is open the url, and then put in your name and e-mail address and press join practitioner-researcher.

2. 16-23 August, 2010: Action Research seminar and workshops’ will be held at NMMU. The special guests will be JACK WHITEHEAD and JEAN MCNIFF. The early suggestions for a theme: “The transformational influence of action research” with at least one subtheme “Taking research to the classroom”. You will need funding for flights, accommodation and subsistence. The event is free. Who is interested?

3. Looking at research already in public space ... what has been happening this week?

4. Looking at your research in public space again ... ? What is happening on your blog?

5. Examples of self study PhD theses:

• Kathleen Pithouse-Morgan

• Susie Miles

• Mairin Glenn

• Joan Walton

• Liz Harrison

• Tai Peseta

Activity one ...

Thoughts for the day

“Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide

how anybody or anything outside ourselves

will affect us.”

Stephen R. Covey

"Can it then be that what we call the 'self' is fluid and elastic?

It evolves, strikes a different balance with every new breath."

Wayne Muller

"Wise are those who learn

that the bottom line doesn't always have to be their top priority.”

William Arthur Ward

Activity two ...

Select a teaching or assessment event from the past week.

Write a response to each of the 7 questions in relation to that event.

Apply the criteria for rigour to your writing ...


In what ways is what is being researched and the manner of research appropriate in the community and cultural context, in terms of each of the following … ?


In what ways is the researcher researching his or her own personal

and/ or community knowledge?


In what ways have sufficient information and insights been explored and shared to make a difference?


In what ways is the research significant and to whom?


In what ways is this knowledge currently useful and applicable?


In what ways is this research relevant to the people and community that are being studied?


In what ways is this study investigating what it claims

that it is investigating?

© Joan Conolly, 2003

Activity three ...

Answer the 7 questions again as a process of meta-reflection ... and see what happens ...

Activity four ...

... just blogging ...

Evaluation ...

“Memory is the Whole of Man

And the Whole of Man is Memory.”

Marcel Jousse



Self Study for Transformative Higher Education in the Extended Curriculum Programme at DUT

Workshop 2010

Project Facilitators: Joan Conolly, Delysia Timm, Nalini Chitanand, Shubnam Rambharos

Workshop Facilitators

Joan Conolly

Date : 05/03/2010 Time : 12:00-14:00/14.00-16.00 Venue : First Floor, Mariam Bee, MLS Campus

“We work on the assumption that people already know much of what they need to know,

but that they often are unaware that they know what they know,

and that they become aware of what they know

and how to use what they know

by reflecting critically on their practice

and from interacting with others …”

Joan Conolly, 2009

We aim “to make knowledge useful” ... in keeping with the DUT slogan ...


1. “practitioner-researcher group” : Jack invites all SeStuTHE members to join the practitioner-researcher group. All you need to do is open the url, and then put in your name and e-mail address and press join practitioner-researcher.

2. 16-23 August, 2010: Action Research seminar and workshops’ will be held at NMMU. The special guests will be JACK WHITEHEAD and JEAN MCNIFF. The early suggestions for a theme: “The transformational influence of action research” with at least one subtheme “Taking research to the classroom”. You will need funding for flights, accommodation and subsistence. The event is free. Who is interested?

3. Looking at research already in public space ... what has been happening this week?

4. Looking at your research in public space again ... ? What is happening on your blog?

5. Examples of self study PhD theses:

• Kathleen Pithouse-Morgan

• Susie Miles

• Mairin Glenn

• Joan Walton

• Liz Harrison

• Tai Peseta

Activity one ...

Thoughts for the day

“Even if you are on the right track,

you’ll get run over

if you just sit there.”

Will Rogers

“Better keep yourself clean and bright;

you are the window through which you must see the world.”

George Bernard Shaw

No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars,

or sailed to an uncharted land,

or opened a new doorway to the human spirit.”

Helen Keller

Activity two ...

Select a teaching or assessment event from the past week.

Write a response to each of the 7 questions in relation to that event.

Apply the criteria for rigour to your writing ...


In what ways is what is being researched and the manner of research appropriate in the community and cultural context, in terms of each of the following … ?


In what ways is the researcher researching his or her own personal

and/ or community knowledge?


In what ways have sufficient information and insights been explored and shared to make a difference?


In what ways is the research significant and to whom?


In what ways is this knowledge currently useful and applicable?


In what ways is this research relevant to the people and community that are being studied?


In what ways is this study investigating what it claims

that it is investigating?

© Joan Conolly, 2003

Activity three ...

Answer the 7 questions again as a process of meta-reflection ... and see what happens ...

Evaluation ...

“Memory is the Whole of Man

And the Whole of Man is Memory.”

Marcel Jousse



Self Study for Transformative Higher Education in the Extended Curriculum Programme at DUT

Workshop 2010

Project Facilitators: Joan Conolly, Delysia Timm, Nalini Chitanand, Shubnam Rambharos

Workshop Facilitators

Joan Conolly

Date : 26/02/2010 Time : 12:00-14:00/14.00-16.00 Venue : First Floor, Mariam Bee, MLS Campus

“We work on the assumption that people already know much of what they need to know,

but that they often are unaware that they know what they know,

and that they become aware of what they know

and how to use what they know

by reflecting critically on their practice

and from interacting with others …”

Joan Conolly, 2009

We aim “to make knowledge useful” ... in keeping with the DUT slogan ...


1. The FIRST Self Study - Living Theories/ Auto-ethnographic - Doctorate at the Durban University of Technology has been awarded to Dr Snoeks Desmond. The title of her thesis is “A Journey in Family Literacy : An Investigation into Influences on the Development of an approach to Family Literacy.” The examiners were Professor Jack Whitehead and Dr Kathleen Pithouse-Morgan. Dr Desmond has agreed to join us next week, 6 March at our Friday meeting. I will keep you informed of any further information.

2. “practitioner-researcher group” : Jack invites all SeStuTHE members to join the practitioner-researcher group. All you need to do is open the url, and then put in your name and e-mail address and press join practitioner-researcher.

3. 16-23 August, 2010: Action Research seminar and workshops’ will be held at NMMU. The special guests will be JACK WHITEHEAD and JEAN MCNIFF. The early suggestions for a theme: “The transformational influence of action research” with at least one subtheme “Taking research to the classroom”. You will need funding for flights, accommodation and subsistence. The event is free. Who is interested?

4. Looking at research already in public space ... what has been happening this week?

5. Looking at your research in public space again ... ? What is happening on your blog?

6. Examples of self study PhD theses:

• Kathleen Pithouse-Morgan

• Susie Miles

• Mairin Glenn

• Joan Walton

• Liz Harrison

• Tai Peseta

Activity one ...

Thoughts for the day

“The thesis demonstrates a resolution of the problem

of the separation of theory and practice in educational research.

This is accomplished through a living methodology

in which the researcher engages with both improving practice and generating knowledge

in an investigation into influences on the development of an approach to family literacy.

The thesis demonstrates a way of sustaining connections,

in a journey of improving practice in family literacy,

that include explanations of educational influence in the researcher’s learning,

her influence in the learning of others

and, most impressively, her influence in the learning of social formations

in local, national and international contexts.

This is the first living theory thesis of the 40 plus

that I have examined or supervised that has accomplished this so well.

The thesis can also be placed at the forefront of current discussions in 2008-9 issues

of the British Educational Research Association newsletter, Research Intelligence,

on epistemological transformations in educational knowledge.

Because of this, every effort should be made to make this thesis public,

certainly through peer reviewed Journals, a book and through the internet.

The acknowledgements in the thesis should not be underestimated

as they draw attention to the quality of support and supervision at Durban University of Technology.”

Jack Whitehead

“The great strength of the thesis

is that it contributes to an understanding of the nature and role of self in relation to others

in the real world of the development of an educational programme.

It focuses attention not only on the development over time of practices and thinking

associated with educational and programmatic decision making,

but also, importantly,

foregrounds the way in which contexts, cultures, and diverse human experiences and needs

powerfully influence programme design, practices, and quality.

In turn, the thesis shows how thorough and contextualised investigation of the self

can inform educational engagement in general

– as the general is embedded in the individual.”

Kathleen Pithouse-Morgan

Activity two ...

“living theories” etc

Whitehead and others ... refer to Walton’s document in this programme ...

What can we understand by the following?

1. “Through critical reflection of my beliefs, values and practice, I have become my own living theory, and I am using a living theories methodology to conduct my research.”

2. “I am reflecting critically on my lived experiences to inform my practice. But, when I reflect critically on my lived experiences, I discover that I am a living contradiction: I find that I claim ‘x’ but practice ‘y’. When I reflect on this living contradiction, I find that .... ”

3. “I reflect on my beliefs and values, and these tell me much about who I am, and am becoming. I realize that my ‘being’ and ‘becoming’ are dynamic states and are constantly changing as I interact with my place of practice, and as I reflect on that interaction. This reflection leads me to understand that everyone is in such a dynamic state of change and transformation, and this causes me to understand that for education to be fair and equitable, to educate people for the real world, and for everyone to achieve their full potential, education needs to be inclusional. This inclusionality recognizes that everyone has a talent which can become a gift for others. As I reflect critically, I realize the benefits of inclusionality, and wish to add this to my practice.”

4. “I use my values and beliefs to validate the quality of what I am doing by examining my living standards of judgement. To demonstrate this I have to provide authentic examples of my behaviour, which validate my claims, and demonstrate my living standards of judgement”

Activity three... critical auto ethnography

Taylor and others

“Critical auto/ethnography involves writing not simply as a process of reporting on a completed inquiry but, more importantly, as a process that is constitutive of the act and art of inquiry: the researcher inquires as s/he writes (Richardson, 2000). The autobiographical aspect fosters excavation of deeply sedimented cultural memories thereby enabling the researcher to identify and examine his/her personal experience of historically established educational policies and practices (Taylor & Settelmaier, 2003). Through authoring and reflecting in critical and scholarly ways on their personal-cultural narratives researchers can recover and reinvest in their cultural capital, an important step in the process of personal and professional transformation. To develop one’s authority as a producer (rather than reproducer) of cultural knowledge is a step towards decolonizing both one’s research and one’s professional practice (Mutua & Swadener, 2004).

Activity four ... Laboratories and Journeys of Awareness

Jousse and others

"The Anthropology of Geste is synonymous with the Anthropology of Mimism, which is no longer an inert instrument for the analysis of man, and reveals, in effect, a whole experimental laboratory to us. Man becomes aware of man: the experimenter is simultaneously the experimented. (…) While we will never be able to step outside of ourselves, yet, thanks to Mimism, everything that is re-played through us, is within us. All science is awareness. All objectivity is subjectivity." (Jousse 2000:25)

Activity five ...

Criteria for Rigour in Research

into the Oral Tradition

aka Indigenous Knowledge Systems

© Joan Conolly, 2003


In what ways is what is being researched and the manner of research appropriate in the community and cultural context, in terms of each of the following … ?


In what ways is the researcher researching his or her own personal

and/ or community knowledge?


In what ways have sufficient information and insights been explored and shared to make a difference?


In what ways is the research significant and to whom?


In what ways is this knowledge currently useful and applicable?


In what ways is this research relevant to the people and community that are being studied?


In what ways is this study investigating what it claims

that it is investigating?

Evaluation ...

“Memory is the Whole of Man

And the Whole of Man is Memory.”

Marcel Jousse


Self Study for Transformative Higher Education in the Extended Curriculum Programme at DUT

Workshop 2010

Project Facilitators: Joan Conolly, Delysia Timm, Nalini Chitanand, Shubnam Rambharos

Workshop Facilitators

Joan Conolly and Shubnam Rambharos,

Date : 19/02/2010 Time : 12:00-14:00/14.00-16.00 Venue : First Floor, Mariam Bee, MLS Campus

“We work on the assumption that people already know much of what they need to know,

but that they often are unaware that they know what they know,

and that they become aware of what they know

and how to use what they know

by reflecting critically on their practice

and from interacting with others …”

Joan Conolly, 2009

We aim “to make knowledge useful” ... in keeping with the DUT slogan ...

Activity one ... Housekeeping

1. “practitioner-researcher group” : Jack invites all SeStuTHE members to join the practitioner-researcher group. All you need to do is open the url, and then put in your name and e-mail address and press join practitioner-researcher.

2. Monday, 22 February, 2010. We are invited to attend a seminar via video conferencing at the HSRC, 750 Francois Road, Intuthuko Junction, Cato Manor, Durban, 4001, South Africa. Contact: Dr Relebohile Moletsane, PhD, Director: Gender and Development Unit, Human Sciences Research Council, Tel: 27 31 242 5632; Fax: 27 31 242 5401; Mobile: 27 (0)83 734 6967.; See poster.

3. 16-23 August, 2010: Action Research seminar and workshops’ will be held at NMMU. The special guests will be JACK WHITEHEAD and JEAN MCNIFF. The early suggestions for a theme: “The transformational influence of action research” with at least one subtheme “Taking research to the classroom”. You will need funding for flights, accommodation and subsistence. The event is free. Who is interested?

4. Looking at research already in public space ... what has been happening this week?

5. Looking at your research in public space again ... ? What is happening on your blog?

6. Examples of self study PhD theses:

• Kathleen Pithouse-Morgan

• Susie Miles

• Mairin Glenn

• Joan Walton

• Liz Harrison

• Tai Peseta

Activity two ...

Thoughts for the day . . .

Kseniya Simonova’s Amazing Sand Drawing

A simple experiment demonstrating the visualisation of cymatics can be done

by sprinkling sand on a metal plate and vibrating the plate, f

or example by drawing a violin bow along the edge, the sand...

Positive & Negative Energy Effects on Water Crystals –The work of Dr Masaru Emoto

Activity three ...

What do we understand by “education research” and “educational research”? Refer to Pringer

Activity four ... the relationship between ‘self study’ and Brown’s seven questions

1. What did I do? (What is the ‘methodology’ in self study?) What action(s) did I take to conduct my study?

2. Why did I do it? (How does ‘theory’ work in self study?) Why did I take this action? What was my rationale? On what did I base this rationale?

3. What happened? What data emerged?

4. What does this tell me about my practice? How does this data relate to my practice? What is evidence?

5. What does this tell me about my theory? What does the data tell me about my emerging understanding of why do things in the way that I do? How does the data relate to what I believe and value? What do I learn about my talents?

6. What is the key benefit to the readers? What can the reader gain from what I have written?

7. What remains unresolved? What has emerged that needs more attention?

Activity five...

What is the ‘relationship’ between ‘theory’ and ‘methodology’ in self study?

Activity six ...

“living theories” etc

Whitehead and others ...

What can we understand by the following?

1. “Through critical reflection of my beliefs, values and practice, I have become my own living theory, and I am using a living theories methodology to conduct my research.”

2. “I am reflecting critically on my lived experiences to inform my practice. But, when I reflect critically on my lived experiences, I discover that I am a living contradiction: I find that I claim ‘x’ but practice ‘y’. When I reflect on this living contradiction, I find that .... ”

3. “I reflect on my beliefs and values, and these tell me much about who I am, and am becoming. I realize that my ‘being’ and ‘becoming’ are dynamic states and are constantly changing as I interact with my place of practice, and as I reflect on that interaction. This reflection leads me to understand that everyone is in such a dynamic state of change and transformation, and this causes me to understand that for education to be fair and equitable, to educate people for the real world, and for everyone to achieve their full potential, education needs to be inclusional. This inclusionality recognizes that everyone has a talent which can become a gift for others. As I reflect critically, I realize the benefits of inclusionality, and wish to add this to my practice.”

4. “I use my values and beliefs to validate the quality of what I am doing by examining my living standards of judgement. To demonstrate this I have to provide authentic examples of my behaviour, which validate my claims, and demonstrate my living standards of judgement”

Activity seven... critical auto ethnography

Taylor and others

“Critical auto/ethnography involves writing not simply as a process of reporting on a completed inquiry but, more importantly, as a process that is constitutive of the act and art of inquiry: the researcher inquires as s/he writes (Richardson, 2000). The autobiographical aspect fosters excavation of deeply sedimented cultural memories thereby enabling the researcher to identify and examine his/her personal experience of historically established educational policies and practices (Taylor & Settelmaier, 2003). Through authoring and reflecting in critical and scholarly ways on their personal-cultural narratives researchers can recover and reinvest in their cultural capital, an important step in the process of personal and professional transformation. To develop one’s authority as a producer (rather than reproducer) of cultural knowledge is a step towards decolonizing both one’s research and one’s professional practice (Mutua & Swadener, 2004).

Activity eight ... Laboratories and Journeys of Awareness

Jousse and others

"The Anthropology of Geste is synonymous with the Anthropology of Mimism, which is no longer an inert instrument for the analysis of man, and reveals, in effect, a whole experimental laboratory to us. Man becomes aware of man: the experimenter is simultaneously the experimented. (…) While we will never be able to step outside of ourselves, yet, thanks to Mimism, everything that is re-played through us, is within us. All science is awareness. All objectivity is subjectivity." (Jousse 2000:25)

Activity nine ...

Criteria for Rigour in Research

into the Oral Tradition

aka Indigenous Knowledge Systems

© Joan Conolly, 2003


In what ways is what is being researched and the manner of research appropriate in the community and cultural context, in terms of each of the following … ?


In what ways is the researcher researching his or her own personal

and/ or community knowledge?


In what ways have sufficient information and insights been explored and shared to make a difference?


In what ways is the research significant and to whom?


In what ways is this knowledge currently useful and applicable?


In what ways is this research relevant to the people and community that are being studied?


In what ways is this study investigating what it claims

that it is investigating?

Evaluation ...

“Memory is the Whole of Man

And the Whole of Man is Memory.”

Marcel Jousse


Self Study for Transformative Higher Education in the Extended Curriculum Programme at DUT

Workshop 2010

Project Facilitators: Joan Conolly, Delysia Timm, Nalini Chitanand, Shubnam Rambharos

Workshop Facilitators

Delysia Timm, Shubnam Rambharos

Date : 12/02/2010 Time : 12:00-14:00/14.00-16.00 Venue : First Floor, Mariam Bee, MLS Campus

Activity one

Thoughts for the day . . .

“The most handicapped person in the world

is a negative thinker.”

Wayne Dyer

“The true meaning of life is to plant trees,

under whose shade you do not expect to sit.”

Nelson Henderson

“Nothing splendid has ever been achieved

except by those who dared believe that’s something inside of them

was superior to circumstance.”

Bruce Barton

Activity two ...

Please look at the ‘America Africa Institute’ on the ‘net for funding opportunities from the Ford Foundation.

Activity three ...

Professor Lesley Woods has provisionally informed me of an ‘action research seminar and workshops’ to be held at NMMU between 16-23 August, 2010. THE SPECIAL GUESTS WILL BE JACK WHITEHEAD AND JEAN MCNIFF. The early suggestions for a theme are along the lines of “The transformational influence of action research” with at least one subtheme “Taking research to the classroom”… Start thinking about your abstract today, and where you can access funding for the trip. You will need funding for flights, accommodation and subsistence. The event is free.

Activity four ...

Looking at research already in public space ... what has been happening this week?

Activity five ...

Looking at your research in public space again ... ?


Apply the 7 questions to today’s SeStuTHE experience ... and in 50 words respond to ...

1. What did I do?

2. Why did I do it?

3. What happened?

4. What does this tell me about my practice?

5. What does this tell me about my theory?

6. What is the key benefit to the readers?

7. What remains unresolved?

Evaluation ...

“Memory is the Whole of Man

And the Whole of Man is Memory.”

Jousse, 2001