Friday, October 15, 2010

How it all blends

The story ...
I made a video (DVD) of my Btech students work last Thursday... They were warned to have some of their work available and to talk about it on camera... I wanted  them to show the work and then answer 3 questions; what is this? What caused it to happen/ what preceded it? What is next/what needs improving/where does this lead to? ... These questions are now expanded but it is because I realised, when I was 'interviewing' them, that they did not answer the question in a way that I wanted them to... (makes me realise how difficult it is to ask the question in the right way)... I then would interrupt them and prompt them for more information regarding what they were saying. I almost had to point out specifics that they had ignored and slow them down because there was more to say than they were saying. The interview became a learning experience in itself.

some additional bits...
Anyway... I had these 'interviews' with them and then also asked them to take some pics of their jewellery with my still camera, for inclusion on the DVD I was going to make. These pictures were then included as a slideshow, with music.

Yesterday, I looked at the DVD with them and focused specifically on the slide show. I realised that it was the one aspect of the DVD that they all had in common ... and a vested interest in. I avoided focusing too much on the indivual scenes because the students seemed to be embarrassed with their own scenes and bored with each others'.

So... to get back to the portfolio slide show... They were very interested in this slide show and we could then look for ways to improve it... Some suggestions were that the work flowed into each other and 'headings' or introductory slides were needed to seperate the individual portfolios, something with their name on it. We were very aware of the fact that 5 pics per student would end up in a slide show  of 50 slides, which is quite long, so we need to take less pictures but still include the relevant information. The relevant information being; their name, the process, close-up details and one, what they called, 'professional' shot showing the jewel off.

I aim to include a short video extract here...

AEO reflection regarding the first bit (to be expanded, after some comments and prompts and pokes:-)
Axiology ... I value visual stimuli which can be examined...
Epistomology ... I realise that we have to do and examine what we've done in order to make sense...
Ontology ... I react and I just jump in, trusting the process... I am naive?

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